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The #1 Web Design Company in Dubai

Boost your brand, engage your audience, and grow your business with Dubai's #1 web design company. We transform your ideas into powerful websites that drive leads, attract customers, and increase sales.

Dubai's Leading
Web Design Agency

Global Media Insight is a leading web design & development agency in Dubai, with offices in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. We have been offering professional web design services throughout the UAE and beyond since 2001.

Our web design portfolio includes designs for individuals, local small businesses, startup companies and global enterprises. So, if web design and development is your concern, we have got you covered - whether it's building your first website or refreshing an existing one with responsive web design.

We worked with numerous brands, SMEs, MNCs, government entities, healthcare institutions, and celebrities on over 1250 projects. We are experts in all aspects of website development and design. Get the most out of your website with our result-driven website design services.


Our Web Design Services

Website design is not merely about bringing ideas to life. It has to put your business in the best light possible as well as grab attention, engage visitors, and convert visitors into customers. Above all, it has to be search-engine friendly and responsive. Are you looking for web design services in Dubai? We can be the best website design and development company in Dubai for your brand. No matter where you are, develop your website with us. Check out our web design expertise:

Corporate web design

Having worked with multinational corporations, we can create web designs that reflect your corporate ethos. We've assisted both B2B and B2C businesses in improving their online presence and strengthening their brand. Whether you’re an established corporation or a growing enterprise, our corporate web design services position you as an industry leader.

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eCommerce Web Design

An ecommerce website is more than just an average site; it's your online store and requires careful, thoughtful design. Our e-commerce web design expertise prioritizes a user-friendly interface, ensuring easy navigation, product discovery, and a smooth checkout process. Plus, our designs are fully mobile-responsive for a seamless shopping experience.

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Brand Microsite Design

As a brand, sometimes you might need a microsite for launching a campaign, running a contest, introducing a new product, or testing the brand experience. Whether it aligns with your main site or is entirely different from your parent website, we have the expertise to meet your specific needs. From a one-page setup to a multi-page package, we can design the site of your choice, incorporating multimedia like videos, games (if needed), and targeted CTAs.

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WordPress Design

Our WordPress Web Design service is designed for business owners who want a user-friendly website that they can easily manage themselves. We create fully customized websites without compromising on quality and usability. Our WordPress designers have the expertise to customize designs and modify themes and plugins to best fit your requirements. Whether it’s for Ecommerce or any service-based needs, we can create exceptional, bespoke web designs using WordPress.

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Personal Web Design

Are you a freelancer looking to showcase your work and make it easy for clients or employers to find you? Our website design service is tailored for individuals like you: models, actors, musicians, writers, and freelancers. We create stunning portfolio websites that beautifully display your work. With our experience in designing personal websites, we’ve assisted professionals in different industries.

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Web Design and Branding

Our Web Design and Branding services are ideal for those seeking to establish a new brand identity or re-brand. We believe your brand is more than just a logo. Our web design and branding package covers every customer interaction, from logos to marketing materials, websites, product packaging, mailers, etc. With a track record of exceeding expectations, we've worked with clients across various industries, delivering high-quality web design and branding solutions.

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Global Media Insight

Is the right web development
solutions for your business

At Global Media Insight, we’re more than just a web design company in Dubai. We create digital experiences that truly connect with your audience. With a rich history spanning 23 years, crafting over 1250 websites and collaborating with more than 575 clients across various industries, we bring a wealth of experience to the table. Our team of 17+ website developers, proficient in the latest web design technologies, can create everything from corporate websites to e-commerce platforms, blogs, and landing pages.

We understand that you know your business, customers, and branding better than anyone else. That’s why we value your input at every step, whether it’s about the design’s aesthetics, colors, layout, or information presentation. We ensure that the design is tailored to meet your needs. As a Dubai-based web design company, we have a deep understanding of the local market. This allows us to offer you the advantages of a local web designer. When you choose us, you’re choosing a web design service that is personalized, collaborative, and uniquely yours.



Check out our web design portfolio to see what we can do. Each of these projects is tailored to meet our clients’ unique design requirements.

Our Web Design Process

As a top-rated web design company Dubai, We follow a six-step process to create engaging, user-centric websites that make a lasting impact in the digital realm:



In this phase, we immerse ourselves in your business and understand your goals, audience, and constraints. We create detailed buyer personas and discuss your budget and timeline.



Next, we create a blueprint for your website. This involves developing a sitemap, outlining your site’s structure, and defining the layout with wireframes. We focus on creating visual components that complement your brand identity.



This is where the imagination comes to life. We choose colors, fonts, and images that align with your brand personality and ensure a seamless user experience. We also check if every element resonates with your target demographic.



Then we make your website’s structure functional with clean, well-organized codes. We ensure that your website is responsive, fast, secure, and compatible with multiple devices and browsers.



We focus on quality assurance and aim to rectify bugs or other issues. We test your website extensively to ensure that it works on different devices and browsers.



After rigorous testing and your approval, we launch your website to the public. It is actually the beginning of a new phase where we work with you to keep your website relevant and effective.

Who We Work With

What Our
Clients Says

For 23 years, we’ve been designing websites. What keeps us going is the joyful smiles and positive feedback from our clients. Below, you’ll find examples of what our clients say about our website design services and their experience working with us. Their testimonials carry more weight than anything we could say about ourselves.

We are really impressed with the amazing website. I really want to say big thanks to you Liz and to all the staff that they were part of our journey. Such a great, good company to work with and highly recommended to everyone… Thank you so much again and again

Amey Mathew

I have been working with Global Media Insight since past 7 months and they have been extremely supportive and responsive. Would highly recommend them for Web Design & Development

sumayah rahim

My business website was done by them and i really like it. thanks for the fast service and creative new ideas . Plus the SEO performance got better numbers in a short time.

Maya Ahmad

Best Web Design Company in Dubai

As one of the leading web design companies based in Dubai, Global Media Insight has long been renowned for delivering fresh and dynamic web designs. Established in 2001, we design and develop usability-focused, beautiful and cutting edge web solutions that capture our clients’ visions.

Our professional team of web designers apply up-to-date design trends to make your website unique. We have proficiency in responsive design and assure your site’s performance on all platforms, ranging from desktop to mobile. We incorporate elements from UX design like micro-interactions, which improve user interactions and 3D graphics to make your brand lively and engaging.

We also focus on clean and simple design decisions to maximise usability and minimise distractions for users. We strive to keep our pages fast loading and easy to navigate, thus helping users find what they are looking for as quickly and effortlessly as possible.

We are fully aware of the value of efficient SEO solutions within the framework of the website to increase its visibility within the search engine results pages (SERPs) and subsequently, the number of organic visitors. This strategic approach ensures that the designed website is not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to navigate and maintain.

Join Global Media Insight and rise up to the challenges of the competitive marketplace in Dubai. Your website will reflect the latest design trends and generate astounding results for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re a web design agency steeped in technology, experience and professionalism. Our workmanship comes with a legacy of 23 years, a large web design team of 42+, delivering over 1,250+ websites in the last 2 decades.

We’ve built dozens of multilingual websites, websites for e-commerce, multinational brands, government agencies, and B2B and B2C companies operating in diverse industries including

FMCG, Healthcare, Education, Tourism, Retail, Real Estate, Technology, and the top UAE based Business Holding Companies.

When you choose us, you’re choosing not only a true-blue web design company that creates high-performing websites but also a full-service digital marketing agency that has a track record of taking your brand, business into having a successful online presence.

Hiring a web design agency means you've very little to worry about. There will be a cordial client service team to take care of your needs on one side and experienced professionals to work on your project on the other.

You can expect a level of professionalism in every aspect, right from the first meeting through to project delivery and afterwards. More importantly, your website will be optimized for Google as well as for other search engines' crawling and indexing. In an agency, there will be many resources deployed for project completion. So even if one or two people go on leave, you’ll get your work completed on time, as promised. Above all, agencies will always be technologically updated, so you can have your site built on the latest and best platforms.

Certainly, yes. The websites that we design load smoothly on any device - be it a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone.

There are many web design platforms out there and we’ve expertise in almost all of them including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal. However, we choose a platform only based on our client's preferences and the type of project.

Yes, we do... when we feel it is necessary. For instance, when building a mobile site, the rule of thumb is to make the navigation more thumb-friendly. Similarly, convenience and ease of use are important for a web design. We recommend redesign when we find your website design:

Today, with the proliferation of IoT devices, your customers will be interacting with you mainly using their smartphones and tablets rather than computers. Also, with Google's mobile-first indexing, responsive design has become the need of the hour. So, as a responsible web design company in Dubai, we leave no stone unturned to offer your visitors a seamless user experience.

A responsive web design means your website is accessible on mobile devices. Users can log on to your site whenever they want to and even while on the go, which increases their frequency of visits. It can increase your loading speed, offering better user experience and low bounce rate. Considering the fact that search engines like Google give importance to user experience, being responsive can improve your site ranking as well.

No. We're transparent in our pricing.

Definitely, a good design can drive business growth. Your website serves as your online, 'self-service' store, where your customers come and buy products without human assistance. Therefore, you need to make your website easier-to-navigate for a smooth customer journey. The friendlier it is for your customers, the more they will visit and purchase your products and services from your website.

Yes. Whether it is a personal blog or a corporate website, we design a website keeping search engines in mind. Search engines are as important as your users. There is no point in having a website that is not visible on search engines. As a web design Dubai Agency, we're proud that our websites are optimized for Google and Bing crawlers.

Responsiveness is the ability of a website to adapt to multiple devices or screens. Earlier, websites were made for desktops alone and they ran slow or didn't load properly on smartphones or tablets. Implementing a responsive design can fix this problem and your users will be able to use your site conveniently on their mobile phones.

Want to enhance your digital presence with our professional web design services?

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