Instagram Users Statistics 2016

Posted by GMI Research Team Posted in Uncategorized

Dec 3 2015 at 1:29pm

Founded in 2010 October by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger at San Francisco, Instagram is becoming popular among men and women of all ages. To know more about the expected user behaviour on this popular image sharing platform, take a look at the infographics below.


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By 2016 the total number of monthly Instagram users will reach 430 million . 75 million users enjoy sharing photos daily. In a day, 30 million photos are uploaded, i.e. 15 photos in a second.

The Male & Female distribution – 51% Male users & 49% Female users.

Age distribution of the authors: 18-29 = 53%, 30-49 = 25%, 50-64 = 11% % 65+ = 6%.

Top countries posting on Instagram are USA, Russia, Brazil, India & Turkey.

Top 5 brands on Instagram are Nike, Starbucks, NBA, Adidas Originals & TopShop.

Click below to know more details on each of the top Infographics
Social Media Users Statistics Infographics 2016>
Facebook Users Stats 2016 >
YouTube Users Stats 2016 >
Google+ Users Stats 2016 >
WhatsApp Users Stats 2016 >
LinkedIn Users Stats 2016 >
Twitter Users Stats 2016 >
Tumblr Users Stats 2016 >
Pinterest Users Stats 2016 >

Is your brand on Instagram yet? If not, now would be the perfect time to for you to join. If you would like to know more about advertising on Instagram, get in touch with Global Media Insight for the right marketing strategy for your company. 

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