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Website Analytics Agency In Dubai

Website Analysts at work

Gathering and understanding data from online analytics sources can play an imperative role in guiding future business decisions of a brand by helping it truly understand customer requirements and mapping accurate user sentiments towards the brand and its marketing efforts.

GMI is one of the leading web analytics solutions providers in Dubai, UAE and the rest of the Middle East. We have used our website analytics expertise to implement web analytics strategies that have improved online marketing efforts of hundreds of businesses across industry verticals over the past 24 Years.

The best way for any business to truly measure if they are making the right marketing decisions is through proper quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data gathered from their website and other digital assets. Web analytics helps us achieve this. This tracking and collection of data can be done by any one of a host of analytics tools and services like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, e-commerce analytics tools, social media analytics etc. The collected data has to be analysed at multiple levels to draw insights from it. Our analytics experts create dynamic and interactive dashboards that are feature-rich, scalable and insightful and which will help figure out the most effective steps for the brand to take. Take a peek at our work.

Website Analysts at work

Gathering and understanding data from online analytics sources can play an imperative role in guiding future business decisions of a brand by helping it truly understand customer requirements and mapping accurate user sentiments towards the brand and its marketing efforts.

Google Marketing Platform Partners

Quick links to our range of Analytics Services


We help you monitor your KPIs and performance across your digital assets through personalised, easy-to-use online analytics tools and dashboards.

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Our Web Analytics Services

custom digital analytics dashboard

Digital Analytics Dashboard

Digital Analytics Dashboards help you monitor multiple digital marketing platforms from a single, easy to understand interface. It then presents you with a summary of understandable and useable reports that can guide you towards optimising your business development efforts. GMI can offer you an industry-leading custom-built online marketing dashboard that monitors and displays your performance indicators across platforms in real time over a single, user-friendly interface.

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Google Analytics Audits & Consultation

As one of the most powerful digital accountability tools in the world, Google Analytics can help you understand how customers are coming to your website, why they are leaving and how effective are your advertising and marketing efforts. As one of the leading SEO, digital marketing and web solutions provider in the UAE, the Middle East and India, we can help you implement this remarkable tool into your website and make better sense of the results and how they can be used to improve your marketing efforts.

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google analytics in mobile
Ecommerce website analysis report

E-Commerce Analytics Services

Every online store needs regular and accurate input of data like site traffic, top landing pages, social media performance, SEO performance, paid search ROI, and much more to pool their resources and concentrate their marketing efforts. Our e-commerce analytics experts can help implement customized analytics systems for any e-commerce website, and then audit the data to help you make better sense of it and use it to improve business processes.

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Heat Mapping

Heat maps are 2D graphic maps that analyse a user's journey through a website by tracking everything they do with a mouse, like movements, clicks and scrolls. This data is then used to build an easy to understand visual representation where values are displayed as colours. GMI's experts can not only help you track user journeys in real time and gather data about the most high-performing elements in your website, it can also analyse and help you understand why some interactions are successful while others are not. This helps you pinpoint elements in your website that need improvement and take appropriate action.

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2d graphic heat map
website  structure

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a simple, easy to use tool that allows you to seamlessly add functionalities for conversion tracking, optimization and SEO, as and when needed, without having to install bloated plugin software or make constant changes in code. In addition to being the first Google Analytics Certified Partner (GACP) agency in the Middle East, we are also one of the best providers of this solution in the region. We can help you implement systems to take advantage of the latest tracking functionalities without having to allocate great resources towards web development processes.

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Attribution Modelling

Attribution Modelling is a set of rules that are defined by tracking the most relevant digital touch points in your customers' journey and then analysing them to assign a certain value to each of these points depending upon their contribution to your bottom-line. We can help analyse and interpret attribution data to isolate the channels that are giving you the best results, so that you can prioritize your efforts and budgets.

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website analysis through attribution modeling
Data Visualisation Services In Dubai

Data Visualisation Services In Dubai

At Global Media Insight, Data visualisation is performed by the UAE’s best data scientists and visualisers. We can offer you specialised business intelligence and data analytics solutions including data visualisation for quick decision making. Rest assured, our Data Visualisation Services will help you comprehend your data, analyse and forecast trends, understand your market and customers, make quick and informed decisions and navigate business challenges.

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Big Data Analytics Services In Dubai

Unable to draw insights from multiple data sources? Finding it cumbersome to manage large volumes of data? Let's do the job for you. GMI, a trusted expert in big data analytics in Dubai, can help you with all things data including data mining, data storage and predictive analysis.

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Big Data Dubai
A/B testing web page

A/B & Multivariate Testing

A/B & Multivariate Testing involves comparing two or more variations of a webpage against each other to understand which one performs better to achieve certain goals or inspires a better response among a certain set of audience. At GMI, we have a comprehensive and inclusive testing framework that starts with goal identification, generating variations and test running the experiment to collect relevant data and analyse the results to gain insights towards optimizing your pages.

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Web Analytics Audit

This is, in essence, an audit of the auditing and analytics tools and solutions implemented in your website to understand if they are gathering relevant and necessary data. This helps you account for changes in your website's infrastructure, content and design to ensure that these do not negatively affect the various analytics systems in place. We can analyse your web analytics setup and help identify mismatches in data from your different online analytics accounts and ensure that they are corrected and synchronized to match changing business goals.

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website analysis
ecommerce analysis image

Enhanced E-Commerce Analytics

Enhanced E-Commerce Analytics is a tool, built by Google, to analyse user behaviour within e-commerce websites - from the first section they browse to when they visit the website and the products they hover their mouse upon to why and where they choose to abandon cart. We can not only use Enhanced E-Commerce Analytics to gather the most relevant data for your e-com portal, we can also help decode this data into specific improvement recommendations, and then use our creative, design, and development expertise to realize these into real changes to your storefront.

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Website Analytics and Reporting

Website Analytics and Reporting is the comprehensive process of studying, processing and translating the internal data of a website as per requirements to measure if individual organisational goals are being met. As a Google Analytics certified agency, we take a remarkably inclusive approach to website analysis and reporting. We analyse website code, exit rates, bounce rates, content errors, competitor performance and much more to prepare reports that include demographic, geo-location, traffic, campaign overview data and other forms of information that might contribute towards business development.

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man reading newspaper in tablet
social media illustration

Social Media Analysis

With the sudden and extreme popularity of social media platforms as the essential spaces for discussing products, services and brand experiences, it is imperative that businesses allocate resources towards listening, analysing and gathering social media insights into how their brands are performing or are being viewed among customers. We have an extraordinary team of listening and marketing experts that use cutting-edge technologies to trawl through a variety of social media discussions to gain insights into specific customer requirements and then use those insights to recommend detailed marketing strategies for future improvement.

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Klipfolio is one of the most versatile and user-friendly cloud-based analytics solutions in the market today. It offers businesses customizable dashboards, direct real-time connection to data aggregators and effective performance visualizations to easily map and monitor KPIs. GMI is a Klipfolio Registered Partner with more than 24 Years of analytics experience. We have a dedicated team of Klipfolio-certified experts who can offer you customised dashboard layouts, multi-source data retrieval using API queries, in-house storage of data and more. Reach out to us and let us help you solve real-time business challenges and achieve targets using Klipfolio.

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Accurate, insightful, translated analytics data can be the roadmap that guides your business to its goals.
  • Real time web analytics

    Real-Time Behaviour Analysis

    Digital Analytics tools can offer businesses real time feedback on how customers are behaving on certain web pages or how they are reacting to certain marketing and advertising campaigns. This kind of immediate feedback can help businesses make changes to their marketing efforts or business processes, and enables continuous development and improvement of offered solutions.
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  • User behaviour analysis

    Know Your Visitors

    Analytics can give businesses detailed information about their customers - the search engines, websites and geographical locations they are visiting from, their online interests and much more to shape marketing campaigns to better target them or by presenting and highlighting products that they are more likely to purchase. You can gain a plethora of really insightful data about your customers through website analytics. This can help you tailor your business approach to give them exactly what they want.

  • Monitoring your brand

    Brand Monitoring

    One of the biggest advantages of implementing analytics tools into your web infrastructure is how it enables you to monitor the performance of your brand. This could be over the long term or the short term. Analytics solutions can help you gain a deep understanding of how customers are reacting to a certain brand or campaign and help you prepare comprehensive and inclusive business plans to tackle any areas that are lacking in your existing strategies.

  • Website Health Check

    Plug Holes

    At their essence, analytics tools are a health check for your website or campaigns. Their final purpose is to prepare digestible, understandable sheets of data that help businesses gain better understanding of where exactly in the user journey they are losing customers and then fix these to offer better services. The information from analytics can also be used to improve the functional and technical capabilities of the website to offer customers a better user experience.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Can GMI support my business providing web analytics services?

GMI is a certified Google Analytics partner agency in Dubai. We’ve a large team of 36+ SEOs and Analytics experts including web analysts, and marketing professionals. We’ve devised strategies for hundreds of businesses in different industries to improve their online marketing efforts for over 24 years. Our teams have work experience in Europe, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent, and project experience across the Middle East, North America, Europe, and Africa. They will work towards meeting your business goals and requirements and finding you the most appropriate analytics solution. We can provide on-going support as well as help with proper planning through to implementation. We’re sure working with our Google Analytics experts can definitely be a valuable addition to your business.

Q) Is it necessary to use web analytics in marketing?

Unlike traditional marketing methods, internet marketing is capable of providing you with data insights. Online marketing when combined with web analytics can certainly give you desired results. You can instantly evaluate your marketing efforts and find out what works for your business and what doesn’t.

Q) What are the tools you use for web analytics and reporting?

Web analytics can only be carried out using proper tools. Though we rely on Google Analytics, we use a host of other tools. We collate and cross-reference data from various tools, including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, Google Data Studio, Google Ads, Google DV360, Google Optimize, Google Firebase, Facebook and Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Hot Jar.

Q) Do you provide analytics reports?

Analytics reports are the basis of your business decisions. So, we always make sure that our reports are comprehensive, understandable and reach you on time. We offer both periodic reports (often monthly) and ad hoc reports based on client requirements.

Q) What makes Google Analytics the UAE’s favourite Web Analytics platform?

Google Analytics is Google's own web analytics service. It tracks and reports website traffic, absolutely free of cost. It allows you to analyze in-depth details about your website visitors and can help you shape the success strategy of your business. Whether you have an eCommerce site or an informative site, you need to understand the behavior of your visitors in order to gauge the performance of your site.

Q) Why should we use Google Tag Manager?

Tagging is an important step in Web Analytics. Big websites find tagging very difficult to execute, owing to frequent updates. This is where Google Tag Manager comes into action. It offers a centralised location to manage your tags, user-permissions and do real-time debugging. Above all, GTM is a Google product and integrates well with Google Analytics.

Q) Does GTM work only with Google Products?

No. Google Tag Manager works well with both Google and non-Google Products. You can find predefined tag templates as well as create codes using Custom HTML tag. For instance, for Facebook Pixel, you won’t find any default template but you can create one using Custom HTML and Custom Image Tag.

Q) Can I use my GA Tracking ID in different GTM containers?

Yes, GTM allows you to use the same GA Tracking ID in its different containers. Because, as a marketer, you may be managing different websites of different structure. So using one GA Tracking ID helps, you can access different website data on your same GA property.

Q) How dashboards benefit my business?

Dashboards fetch data automatically from different data sources, offering a centralised reporting interface. This eliminates the need to login to multiple analytics platforms, prepare reports and share with your team members. You get to know how your business is developing, the milestones achieved and impending challenges. Without spending much time, you get relevant information to chalk out plans and set future goals.

Q) Why is data visualization important?

Today, data drives business decisions. You may have a lot of data with you but it is of business value only when you’re able to organise, analyse and show it well. Data visualization helps you make meaning out of your data. It collects data and presents it in a meaningful, graphical way for easier understanding of the facts.

Q) How can eCommerce analytics data drive online sales?

eCommerce analytics helps you know the number of transactions that have happened on your platform and the revenue you made from each transaction. As a business, you're always interested in knowing the performance of your website, the number of visitors coming and conversions happening. Successful implementation of eCommerce analytics means that you get data from all areas connected with your online store, so that you're aware of the trends and changes in consumer behaviour. This helps you take informed decisions that will eventually improve your online sales. Once you know more about your customer behaviour, you can segment them and go for targeted marketing.

Q) Are there any best ways to increase the conversion rate on my website?

Conversion Rate Optimisation. It is a clever marketing tactic that is gaining traction nowadays. It doesn’t require you to spend money on advertising and content marketing. CRO is the process of improving the rate of conversions by making slight changes to your UX design. We can conduct A/B or multivariate tests by splitting your current website visitors into two, where one half will be using the original design and the other half, the new design. This helps you know which design is generating more conversions. Our sharp CRO team with an accurate methodology can help you increase your conversion rates in a matter of days.

Q) What type of data do you analyze while doing CRO?

While doing CRO we analyse different datasets. We examine your present conversion funnel and check whether there are bottlenecks to completing an action, ineffective call-to-action, and discover other ways of user exits.

Q) What is the cost of your Web Analytics service?

Our analytics services packages are aligned with your website goals and requirements. So, give us some information about your project and we’ll offer a price accordingly. However, you can trust us, our package will always be affordable for you.